unit 8200
52' | English & French Versions | HD
In Israel’s Unit 8200, hackers are the world’s top commandoes in cyber warfare. They take on missions like hacking into Iran’s nuclear computers to destroy installations. We profile three Unit 8200 superstars. Just out of the army, Yaron, Oron, and Ofer hacked into their cars, disrupting the driving system. They told the companies their cars are exposed. Car manufacturers took heed. The three former cyber commandoes set up ”Argus”, a tiny start-up, to meet a massive cyber-security challenge: offer protection for cars today and mostly, for the networks that will guide hundreds of millions of cars, trucks, trains and aircraft within the next five years! Hackers could create massive cyber terror if they disrupt millions of driving vehicles simultaneously. This documentary profiles their meteoric rise. They sold Argus three years later for a half a billion dollars.
Produced by: Vigilance Productions
World excluding English Canada and Israel